Have you ever been to an art museum or exhibit? Some of the most glorious and beautiful pieces of our history are located within these establishments. When I go to a museum, I’m blown away by the variety of art. Maybe a sculpture, a painting, or a graphic design, they are all very wonderful. But what about social media? Is this something that will be taking the museum and art world by storm? Is social media really even considered art? Social media can do a numerous amount of things; we at Trademark Productions will do everything they can to consult you on new and upcoming trends in the social media world. In the end, social media pieces are being shown at prestigious art museums.
TRUE! Yes, believe it or not social media has made its way into the cultured art world. Presently the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has a piece, from a collection of a bunch of random Flickr photos. The Volta art fair in N.Y., which happened this month, had videos uploaded from the video-sharing site Vimeo. And the four Guggenheim Museums presented 25 videos, which appeared on YouTube. This is a growing trend, which some experts are excited about. Hugh McGrory, creative director of Culture Shock Marketing, stated “we think that art"s meant to characterize its time and explain what it’s like to be alive now.” While showing these things at museums is an accurate depiction of the life we in today, some experts don’t believe it’s really art. These people believe that people should be going to museums to find out what important art is, not random imagery from a website. But for now, the social media transition into the art world is moving fast, and shows no signs of slowing down.
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